I was inspired by the current bad Internet public opinion environment and the thoughts brought to me by the recent events caused by cyber violence.
Empathy is a way of communicating from the perspective and position of the parties to objectively understand the inner feelings of the parties and to convey this understanding to the parties. Empathy is about comparing hearts to hearts, at the same time, place, and event, and replacing the parties with themselves, that is, to be in a position to feel and be considerate of others.

The high pressure brought about by today's fast-paced work life makes people lack empathy and empathy when facing people or things, which leads people to release this pressure uncontrollably in today's Internet environment. The low cost and anonymization of the Internet have also become a magnifying glass for people's negative emotions, making people's speech in the network environment become extreme, emotional, without judgment and low IQ. To some extent, the release of this negative emotion will release some of the pressure, but at the same time, the extreme emotional speech guided by this negative emotion will also cause harm to others, forming a pathological network environment today.

This theme attempts to analyze the characteristics and classification of empathy, with the help of three-dimensional visual processing and ink and ink forms to exaggerate and summarize the dynamic poster form abstract simulation "empathy emotion representation", "sensation sensitivity", "cognition "Empathy" and "Emotional Empathy" represent the different dimensions of empathy.

Thanks to Kyle Mcevoy for the music authorization.





